The Leverett Revenue Committee has finished a report on the survey that concluded on July 31. We had a total of 316 respondents from all parts of town
The 5-page report, a full summary of the results, and an appendix are all available online. The link to the report is Links to the results summary and the appendix are in the report’s Introduction and on its last page.
If you know anyone who doesn’t have access to a computer, I will make printed copies of the report available at Town Hall sometime this week. Anyone can also call me at 413-549-8284 if they’d like me to mail them a copy. For now, the results summary and appendix are only available online due to their length.
Thanks to everyone who participated. We believe the results will be helpful as we continue to consider ways to find new options for revenue growth in Leverett.
In community,
Michael Dover, Revenue Committee chair
Patti Duffy
Dan Emery
Tom Ewing
Susan Lynton
Susan Mareneck
Tim Shores
Select Board liaison: Tom Hankinson