Select Board

Tuesday, May 21, 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm
Town Hall/remote
A meeting of the Selectboard

The Selectboard is meeting in person and making this meeting available via Zoom for the convenience of the public. Since we are meeting in person, we will not be responsible for any technical difficulties, so if you would like to be sure of participating, please attend in person.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 944 6027 6391; Passcode: 650146

Meeting Agenda:

Protocols for Public Address to the Board: During meetings, the Selectboard will attempt to find a balance between hearing from members of the community and conducting required business. All public address is at the discretion of the Chair.

When speaking, please identify yourself by name or the company/institution you represent. Please make your comments are concise (less than 2 minutes); avoid repeat statements made by others; address your comments to the Board Chair.

Audience members may not interrupt a recognized speaker nor the discussion of the Board. Please be cordial and respectful of others.

The Selectboard will generally listen to comments rather than respond immediately. If a topic comes up that is not on the agenda yet further action is required by the Board, the Chair will add the matter, as appropriate, to a forthcoming agenda. Depending on the comment, the Board may, if they are able within the confines of the Open Meeting Law, respond with information as opposed to needing to deliberate on the matter.

This meeting agenda is being posted in compliance with Massachusetts’ Open Meeting Law. The agenda may change to reflect unforeseen business.

Meeting of Selectboard

Members: (Quorum)

  • Present: Tom Hankinson, Chair, at 7:00 PM
  • Present: Jed Proujansky, at 7:00 PM
  • Present: Patricia Duffy, at 7:00 PM

Also Present:

  • Tom H.
  • Pat D.
  • Jed P.
  • Margie M.
  • and Lisa S. for the Select Board. Also present: Rich N.
  • George B. for the Montague Reporter and Doc P. for The Reminder

See original Agenda Final Minutes

Meeting opened: 7:00 PM

Meeting closed: 7:45 PM

  1. Meeting Preliminaries

    • Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).

    • No minutes to approve.

  2. 7-7:15 Public comment

  3. Appointments (open to the public after initial conversation)

    • 7:15: Steve Weiss-Recruitment for town positions/update on Rattlesnake Gutter

      General Discussion...
      Eva G. and Steve W. began by stating that they would take the lead for the Rattlesnake Gutter Rd restoration project but also asked if the Select Board would be the formal sponsors for grant applications that they may apply for. The pros and cons of procurement and bidding processes were discussed.

      Steve W. is interested in beefing up the town’s strategy with regard to recruiting more and new volunteers for town elected and appointed positions. His suggestion was to write a specific recruitment letter outlining the responsibilities of the various positions, time commitment, etc. Pat suggested a meet and great at the Transfer Station and all other forms of communication available. Jed suggested highlighting a department at a time in the Newsletter. It was agreed that fall would be the best time to make this effort. Steve will draft a letter.

      Lisa will print a copy of all town positions currently open.

      MOTION, moved by Patricia Duffy, seconded by Tom Hankinson: Motion: The Select Board agrees to work in conjunction with the Rattlesnake Gutter Rd. restoration project and be it’s sponsor for grant applications. Vote: 3-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson, Jed Proujansky.

    • 7:30: 250th Committee/BBQ and beer logistics

      General Discussion...
      Andrew Starkweather and Bill and Ann Watson came in to report that the barbeque plans are coming along and to get the one-day beer license. The community field will be the location for the BBQ. Signs will be posted all around it warning people not to leave the area with alcoholic beverages. Drew will have a beer wagon with experienced staff serving.

      MOTION, moved by Patricia Duffy, seconded by Tom Hankinson: Motion: To give a one-day beer/wine license to Drew Starkweather for the 250th BBQ on July 6, 2024. Vote: 3-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson, Jed Proujansky.

  4. Business (public participation is at the discretion of the chair)

    • Approve minutes of May 7, 2024

      MOTION, moved by Patricia Duffy, seconded by Tom Hankinson: Motion: To approve the minutes of May 7 as written. Vote: 3-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson, Jed Proujansky.

    • Board and committee advertising

    • Recreation Commission Update and website use request

      General Discussion...
      Lisa S. (for the RecCom) gave an update on the status of the newly formed committee. She asked for permission to use the “community events” section of the calendar on the website, currently not used at all, as the landing place for all recreation-related events going on in town.

      MOTION, moved by Patricia Duffy, seconded by Tom Hankinson: Motion: To allow the Recreation Commission to use the community events portion of the website calendar to advertise recreational events happening in town. Vote: 3-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson, Jed Proujansky.

  5. Mail (mail is not read or discussed during meetings. Copies are available by request.

    • No mail

  6. Meeting Wrap-up

The listing of matters is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Minutes approved on Tuesday, Jun 25, 2024