Select Board

Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm
Town Hall, 9 Montague Rd
A meeting of the Selectboard

Meeting of Selectboard

Members: (Quorum)

  • Absent: Peter d'Errico, Chair
  • Present: Tom Hankinson, at 7:00 PM
  • Present: Julie Shively, at 7:00 PM

Also Present:

  • Margie M.
  • Lisa S.
  • Jeff from the Montague Reporter
  • Fire Dept. members
  • Earl Everhart from VTech

See original Agenda Final Minutes

Meeting opened: 7:00 PM

Meeting closed: 8:38 PM

  1. Meeting Preliminaries

  2. Business

    • Appoint Isaiah Robison to Zoning Bd.

      MOTION, moved by Julie Shively, seconded by Tom Hankinson: Motion: To appoint Isaiah Robison to the Zoning Board. Vote: 2-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Julie Shively, Tom Hankinson. Not Present: Peter d'Errico.

    • Appoint Jhonathan Block as TS Attendant

      MOTION, moved by Julie Shively, seconded by Peter d'Errico: Motion: To appoint Jhonathan Block as a Jr. Transfer Station Attendant as requested by Ananda. Vote: 2-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Julie Shively, Tom Hankinson. Not Present: Peter d'Errico.

    • Approve minutes of June 27, 2017 and May 30, 2017

      MOTION, moved by Julie Shively, seconded by Peter d'Errico: The minutes of May 30 were accepted.

      Pass: Aye: Julie Shively, Tom Hankinson. Not Present: Peter d'Errico.

    • Assessors Update

      General Discussion...

      The Assessors (Jim H., Cat F., and Tom M., joined by retiring Steve Schmid) joined the board to give an update on the search for a replacement for Steve. The process will require getting price quotes. Margie and Steve have drawn up a proposal which will be sent to contacts Steve has gathered. Quotes will be due July 21.

    • FCC Net Neutrality Letter (2nd one)

      General Discussion...
      Margie informed the board that Peter had signed a second letter regarding Net Neutrality.

    • Fire Rescue Truck Award

      General Discussion...
      John Ingram came in with several department members and Earl Everhart who works for VTech, the low bidder for the rescue truck approved at the April Annual Town Meeting. Margie had some concerns about payments being made to VTech during its building and the Town not having the truck in its possession. Earl explained that the Town would be in receipt of the Title as soon as the construction begins and that anyone is welcome, anytime, to drive up to Vermont to check on the status of the truck. John intends to do just that. Additionally VTech sends 4-5 pictures/week of the truck in progress.

      MOTION, moved by Julie Shively, seconded by Peter d'Errico: Motion: To award the bid of the Rescue Truck to VTech of Williamstown, VT and to pay VTech in increments based on the Fire Chief’s certification each time the milestones being paid for have been completed to meet the specs for the truck being purchased. Vote: 2-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Julie Shively, Tom Hankinson. Not Present: Peter d'Errico.

    • Franklin County Dog Shelter/Dog Officer Update

      General Discussion...
      Scott Minckler reported that he met with Roberta about the regional dog shelter and that she is supportive of the idea of joining. The fee for membership will come from the Police Dept. budget. Scott also suggested that the Police Dept. could be in charge of the dog officer, as is done in Northfield, where he used to work. The board felt that joining the regional shelter for back-up is sufficient at this time.

    • Police Chief Review Done

    • Public Records Law Update

      MOTION, moved by Julie Shively, seconded by Peter d'Errico: Motion: To approve the Public Records Access Guidelines for the Town of Leverett. Vote: 2-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Julie Shively, Peter d'Errico, Tom Hankinson.

  3. Sign

    • Contract with FCCIP

      General Discussion...
      Contracts were signed with FCCIP and for recycling and hauling through FCSWMD.

    • - The board approve 3 hours of hydro-raking on Leverett Pond to keep the public access open. A compliant was received from Irene Saunders of Dudleyville Rd. because she had to wait for the grader to pull over before she could go by. MLP term lengths were discussed. The continuing Crocker/Price issue was discussed. An executive session meeting was tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, July 18.

  4. Mail

    • Jim McGovern, Listening Session, Aug. 2, 2-4pm

      General Discussion...
      Margie will try to attend Jim McGovern’s listening session on Aug. 2 and will see if Peter could attend.

    • Letter from Jan Ameen

      General Discussion...
      The board waived the option to meet with Jan Ameen of the FCSWMD.

    • Response re: Impeachment article

    • Emails from Beth Adams

      General Discussion...
      Two emails were received from Beth Adams (FRCOG Rep.) One concerned her desire to implement county-wide solar, which Lisa will reply to and forward to the Energy Com. so Beth can discuss with them. The other concerned whether the Mt. Toby Meeting House is in compliance with Town zoning concerning temporary housing of immigrants. Lisa will reply to Beth and forward to the Zoning Bd.

  5. Old business

    • - The board approve 3 hours of hydro-raking on Leverett Pond to keep the public access open. A compliant was received from Irene Saunders of Dudleyville Rd. because she had to wait for the grader to pull over before she could go by. MLP term lengths were discussed. The continuing Crocker/Price issue was discussed. An executive session meeting was tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, July 18.

  6. Meeting Wrap-up

The listing of matters is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Minutes approved on Tuesday, Sep 19, 2017