Town of Leverett
9 Montague Road
Leverett, MA 01054 Town Clerk: (413) 548-9150 Tax Collector: (413) 548-9666 Assessor: (413) 548-4945 Town Hall Fax: (413) 548-1035 Contact Us
Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 7:00 pm until 8:00 pm Leverett Town Hall, 9 Montague Road, 2nd Floor
Budget Hearing and Candidate’s Night Business with FinCom •Budget •Financial policies •Reserve Fund Transfers Other Business: Approve minutes of 3/22/16 meeting Additional appointments to Regional Assessment Method Committee Appoint Carl Siebing to ConCom Draft agreement from Amherst-Meet with Amherst-Well Committee, Select Board? Mail: Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Mtg. Notice DPU: Modernization of the Electric Grid 2016: Hampshire/Franklin Municipal Conference?